It's been a long time since I last posted. Frank and I both got the flu and actually missed three weeks of skiing! Since my last posting I did manage to get out one or two times, skied once around Witch Hole and around the Hadlock Loop another.
Today believe it or not it is snowing, but yesterday it was a warm and sunny 40 degrees so, inspired by a friend, I decided to dust off the bike and take it for a spin. It was great to be back in the saddle. (FYI I adore my bike which I got a great deal on last year, it's a 2007 Cannondale Synapse Carbon 1 as seen in the photo. Frankie has the Carbon 2.)
My plan was to just ride to Jordan Pond House (JPH) and back, and maybe around Ox Hill in Seal Harbor. When I tried to inflate my tires, which according to our bike guru Bob at Southwest Cycles are supposed to be inflated to 120 psi, try as I might I couldn't inflate them past 80 psi. If anyone knows why this is I would appreciate your feedback! Is it because at 40 degrees they're too cold? We have a good pump and I know I had it connected correctly so I'm pretty sure it wasn't that.
I went ahead and rode on my tires inflated to 80 psi and even that little section of the Loop between the Stanley Brook Rd entrance and JPH was pretty slushy with sections of ice, so it was slow going and pretty cold coming down the hill! I got an insane deal on a winter bike jacket from Performance ($20) and wore that, but will wonders never cease, ya get what ya pay for.
I am looking forward to when it's a little warmer. I am really, really looking forward to that brief window of opportunity when the snow has melted on the Loop Road but it hasn't been opened up to traffic yet.
Happy spring!
(The road in the photo isn't the Loop, it's a section of carriage road that goes between the Tumbledown and the Deer Brook Bridge.)
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