Yesterday the forecast was for extreme cold but it turned out to be in the upper teens, so we decided to ski from the Parkman Mountain parking lot (Signpost 13) to Aunt Betty Pond (Signpost 11), then to the Eagle Lake parking lot (Signpost 6). We got a late start and didn't hit the trail until 2:15 with the temp. at about 21 degrees. The route was just under 6 miles so we estimated 2 hours which would bring us in before sundown. The first leg of the trail had been tracked, but the track on the left side of the road had nearly melted away, and the newer track on the right side was powdery but kept collapsing under our skis. So the first half was rough going due to constantly switching tracks and sometimes trying the center skate-ski track, etc.
The late afternoon sun enhanced the views, particularly the panorama of Parkman Mountain as seen from Signpost 11.

Conditions were much better on the second leg, but at that point it was after 3:00 pm, the sun was low and the temperature started to drop. Anyone familiar with that section of carriage road between Signposts 11 and 9 knows there is a long, steep uphill that takes you past the Park Headquarters and out onto a beautiful ridge with a panoramic view of Parkman & Sargent mountains. It was almost sunset and it was breathtaking. After that there was a lot of ice in the tracks and it was fast but a little dangerous. We finally arrived at the Eagle Lake parking lot at 4:15. We were pretty cold and tired, and not very enthusiastic about doing this one again!

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